What is the #CompactOfMayors?

The Compact of Mayors is a groundbreaking effort to consolidate existing voluntary commitments that cities have made in advance of expectations around national level contributions to a global climate agreement. Cities around the world are already making important commitments to reduce GHG emissions and are collaboratively working to reach their goals.

The key elements of the Compact of Mayors are:

1. Agreement by city networks – and then by their members – to undertake a transparent and supportive approach to reduce city-level emissions, to reduce vulnerability and to enhance resilience to climate change.
2. The creation of a common method to uniformly measure GHG emissions through the Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories.
3. A common method to set cities’ GHG mitigation targets based on the new GHG Protocol Mitigation Goals Standard.
4. The creation of a central repository, the carbonn Climate Registry, which will enable the compilation of data through existing national, regional, and global city reporting platforms (such
as CDP) in addition to future city network and reporting platform partners. For the first time, all city climate commitments and annual reporting will be publicly available in a single location.

Read the full text of the Compact here.

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