What are your #CitySolutions?

In April of this year, we’ll be holding the ICLEI World Congress 2015 in Seoul. The title of this year’s Congress is “Sustainable Solutions for an Urban Future”. Global leaders on urban sustainability will take part in plenaries, debates, mobile workshops and trainings, with a view to elaborating the solutions that we all need. They’ll take these solutions back to their cities and, with our help, put them into place.

We can’t wait to hear what they have to say, but we’d also like to hear what you have to say! What are the changes that you would like to see in your city? We’d like to hear from people and organizations from all around the world, in cities of different sizes and in different countries. Tell us about one sustainability-related problem you’ve noticed in your city that seems particularly important or urgent to you, and one solution that you would propose. Big or small, mundane or outrageous – whatever has grabbed your attention.

Anything we receive that we find particularly interesting will be considered for publication on our blog in a #CitySolutions series. We’ll also promote the series across our social media channels. So get writing! Students, academics, policy experts, or just citizens of an urban area. 500-1,000 words, pictures and videos and unusual formats more than welcome, and email them to us at media@iclei.org! We’ll accept submissions right up until we kick off the ICLEI World Congress 2015 in April.

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