Voices in the Corridor: 10 June 2015

This post is part of our live blog series from the Resilient Cities 2015 congress. For more live blogs, please click here.

Question: What is your favorite example of adaptation?

Jasper Baranya“I find producing electricity from organic waste in the cities to be a good adaptation strategy. It’s a dual benefit of making the city cleaner while at the same time generating an important resource.”

Jasper Baranya // Nairobi, Kenya



Cassidy Jonson“I’ve heard that in the city of Wellington, New Zealand, a city that is exposed to tsunamis and earthquakes, have painted a blue line along the streets as a visualization on how far a tsunami wave could go. The line representing a safe and a non-safe zone. I find it a simple but forthright way of building citizen awareness instead of using fancy warning systems.”

Cassidy Johnson // University College London


Alexander Aylett“In a project in Montreal, Canada, the vacant and worn down alleyways have been de-paved to give place for green structures. This could be of interest for older cities. There are many benefits – reduced heat island effect, air quality and not to forget the improvement of quality of life.”

Alexander Aylett // INRS, Canada



Ayesha Dinshaw“Adaptation is good development. If we support developing countries to keep in mind a future climate change we will enhance global adaptation to a greater degree.”

Ayesha Dinshaw // World Resources Institute, United States




Lykke Leonardsen“I would say the residential area of Augustenborg in Malmö. A project with the objective to make the area more socially, economically and ecologically sustainable. I liked the idea that one of the main goals was citizen involvement and where adaptation was built “into” the actual housing.”

Lykke Leonardsen // Head of Climate Unit, City of Copenhagen


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