Voices in the corridor: 8 June 2015

This post is part of our live blog series from the Resilient Cities 2015 congress. For more live blogs, please click here.

Question: Where do you see the social in resilience?


Voices4“When I think of resilience, I think of the community level. Communities only function well if the social and environmental and economic components are well considered and integrated.”

Michael Boswell // Professor, California Polytechnic State University, USA



Voices3“Cities are not homogenous places, climate change affects people differently. This is important to keep in mind.”

Leire Irigoyen // Science Po, Paris




Voices2“The social is of huge importance. We have to create awareness of risks. It is important to give proper information on how to prepare.”

Nuno Lopes // Head of Environmental Studies and Management Division, City Council of Almada, Portugal



Voices1“The social in resilience is in the urban space itself, where the majority of the world’s population is living.”

Kora Rösler // Freie Universität Berlin, Germany




Voices5“The fact that we can access and be in contact with communities and show them how they adapt. Smartphones are a good opportunity to get in touch with people and to get them better prepared.”

Mercedes Mathebula // Sustainability Specialist, City of Tshwane Metro Municipality, South Africa



Voices6“Food and food security plays an important role. As the Philippines are still a highly agricultural country, we try to be a model city also for urban agriculture. We have to connect urban agriculture to a resilient city. For this, we have to build strong alliances with our national agencies.”

Nestor Alvarez // Mayor, Science City of Munoz, Philippines



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