Updates from UN Bonn Climate Change Conference 2016, 16-27 May, SB44/APA1


Conference website – http://unfccc.int/meetings/bonn_may_2016/meeting/9413.php

IISD Earth Negotiations Coverage is available at http://www.iisd.ca/climate/sb44/


LGMA Intervention at the Conference Opening and SBI44 Opening

Remarks of Ashok Sridharan, Mayor of Bonn and Member of ICLEI Global Executive Committee, at the Reception on 17 May 2016

Transformative Actions Programme May 2016 Update presented at Follow-up Dialogues of Technical Examination on Energy Efficiency in Urban Environment, 20 May 2016

Agenda of ICLEI – Committee of the Regions Side event on 25 May 2016 Wednesday at 16.45-18.15

ICLEI Newsbit

Follow the link to reach the latest ICLEI publication “The Paris Climate Package – A Basic Guide for Local and Subnational Governments”

DAILY UPDATES of WEEK-1: 16-20 May 2016

Day-5: 20 May, Friday

1- Ad Hoc Working Group on Paris Agreement officially started to work through the adoption of the agenda. This means that the official negotiations regarding entry into force of Paris agreement and all preparatory steps regarding NDCs will be clarified in days, weeks, months ahead. This is another step forward to assure that the national governments are committed to keep their promises and the challenge is how to ensure rapid implementation and further increasing ambition.

2- SBI Chair released draft text on arrangement of intergovernmental meetings. Paragraphs 14-23 are related to modalities for further enhancement of observers and non-party stakeholders. In particular;

– Para.15 welcomes all efforts since COP19 in 2013 when hosted a historic Cities Day and COP Presidency Cities and Subnational Dialogue,

– para.16 refers to related provisions of Paris agreement and COP decision,

– para.17 refers to further engagement in implementation,

– para.18 calls for an insession workshop in June 2017

– para.19 invites for views to be sent by February 2017 and Secretariat synthesis report by April 2017

– para.20 asks this workshop to take into account progress in other United Nations Fora

ICLEI warmly welcomes this positive, innovative and inclusive approach and encourages Parties to build upon these proposals in order to reach final conclusions. In paragraph 15, ICLEI would recommend to include a reference to COP16 in 2010 and COP17 in 2011 which also had demonstrated leadership in engaging stakeholders in particular in terms of para.7 of Dec.1/CP16, the launch of ADP process that was implemented through a remarkable stakeholder engagement especially through Workstream-2, as well as numerous efforts of COP Presidencies.

3- Attached you can find the May 2016 update of Transformative Actions Programme as presented by ICLEI´s Maryke van Staden at the Technical Examination Meeting on Energy Efficiency in Urban Environment. Other presentations were delivered by UNEP, CTCN, SE4ALL, and French Government on behalf of Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction.

4- During the 5th Durban Forum on Capacity Building, Parties and observers had an interactive discussion on mitigation, adaptation and technology, which for the first time included elements on action at the subnational level, thanks to para73g and 74d of COP21 Paris Agreement Decision. In my capacity as the facilitator of the breakout group Capacity Building on technology, I proposed participants to focus on what needs to be done at the national level, UN system and non-party stakeholder level, in the next 5 years, to be in-line with the Paris Committee on Capacity Building time span and respond to the call for urgent and scaled up raised by Christiana Figueres at the 4th Dialogue for Action for Climate Empowerment, to attain the 1.5oC goal. The interactive discussion among the participants yielded fruitful conclusions such as conducting fast-track reality check between Technology Needs Assessment and INDCs, with a particular focus on institutional challenges, assuming that many INDCs did not benefit from the information contained in the TNAs. Participants underlined the emergin realities that many new technologies are already being diffused through consumers or users, in particular amongst youth, developing countries are also taking a leadership role in the development of technology and local and subnational governments can also play a key role in the absorption capacity of countries in scaling-up technology development and transfer by playing a bridging role between national policies, technology developers/providers and citizens.

Day-4: 19 May, Thursday

1- UNFCCC Secretariat has launched Climate Action Fair that will continue until 25 May. The fair covers promotion of partnerships, commitments, and initiatives that aim to scale up action towards 2020 through indoor and outdoor visuals, side events, infographics, Technical Examination Meetings  and promotion of NAZCA Portal . Commitments of local and subnational governments such as Publa, Sao Paolo, Paris, reported at NAZCA via data partners like carbonn Climate Registry, CDP, Covenant of Mayors are displayed in large scale billboards. Tehnical Examination Side events of Climate Alliance and ICLEI-Committee of the Regions are covered under the package. Further is available at http://newsroom.unfccc.int/media/646267/brochure-climate-action-fair.pdf

2- At the 4th Dialogue for Action for Climate Empowerment Mayor of Bonn delivered an intervention that focused on community empowerment and engagement thrugh the ambitious of local governments. European Commission presented the Climate ADAPT initiative that engages European cities and local authorities. http://unfccc.int/cooperation_and_support/education_and_outreach/dialogues/items/9414.php

At the closing session, UNFCCC ES particularly addressed to scale up ambitious climate actions in the next 5 years to make sure Paris Agreement reaches its goals.

3- Friends of Cities Bonn Consultation meeting was convened with the participation of delegations of Tanzania, Morocco, Mexico, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada as well as ICLEI and Climate Alliance.

The discussion focused on the way forward in the implementation of Paris Agreement.

In terms of action at the national level, participants highlighted that cities and regions need to be enabled in order to set up and implement plans. Continual tracking of action and results is needed. Accountability is crucial. Afterwards, cities and regions need to be recognized for the effort they are taking and the outcome they perform. Such recognition can also be institutionalized. On the next stage, Local Action Plans have to be linked to the INDCs. Climate, urban and other agendas have to be linked as well. Multilevel and interlevel partnerships should be encouraged. Last not least, a successful post Paris regime needs priorization and funding to offer a perspective.

In terms of perspectives for the network, participants noted that Friends of Cities have a role to play, as cities and regions are ahead of the path compared to many other constituencies and their recognition in the Agreement and decision. It may be good to connect with other groups like Friends of WS2 and engage with the next stage of LPAA – Climate Action Agenda. High level Action events should be scaled up and continued at every COP but to be turned into a more interaction mode, with outcomes and reduction.

4- At the SBI Informals, Parties were briefed by the internal procedures of the UNFCCC Secretariat in terms of stakeholder engagement and agreed to receive a draft text to be prepared SBI Chair. In terms of future UNFCCC cycles, there is an overall consensus that having COPs every 2 year in Bonn will be considered after 2020.

5- APA-1 is still negotiating to agree on the agenda.

Day-3: 18 May, Wednesday

1- Achievements of the Lima Paris Action Agenda is presented by governments of France, Peru, UNFCCC Secretariat and the UN SG office, supported by IRENA, UNEP and with further remarks by Moroccon government. ICLEI highlighted the positive experience throughout the process and expressed sincere interest to build this into actions under Paris Agreement framework and linking to supporting and raising NDCs. The Swiss government announced that Friends of WS-2 is also eager to build upon this success.

2- At the SBI informal consultations, many Parties expressed a positive tone in enhancing engagement of nonparty stakeholders, provided that intergovenmental nature of the unfccc and sovereignty at the national level are respected. SBI Chair emphasizued that stakeholder engagement is an opportunity for dialogue to scale up action. EU suggested to have an insession workshop in June 2017. Ecuador highlighted  the experience in Convention on Biodiversity and the role of HABITATIII. China underelined the opportunities for capacity building and Guatemala referred that Paris agreement demands engagement of all actors. Business, Environmental groups and research organizations welcomed the positive spirit and supported the workshop idea. On behalf of LGMA, ICLEI highlighted preamble para.15 of Paris Agreement and COP21 Decision, supported the workshop in 2017 that can give the opportunity to reflect the new realities within the UNFCCC and outside the UNFCCC process and referred to the good practice of 10 Year Action Plan for Subnational Governments and Cities in the Biodiversity.

3- Debra Roberts highlighted outcomes related to cities at the IPCC43 Plenary session during the SBSTA/IPCC special event.

Day-2: 17 May, Tuesday

1- COP22 website is launched at www.cop22.ma

2- Incoming COP22 Presidency delegation, under the leadership of President Designate H.E Mezouvar Minister of Foreign Affairs of Morrocco had a 45-minutes briefing with observers. I had the honour of facilitating a very warm, open, interactive and dynamic session and in my opening remarks, I underlined that Marrakech and Morrocon government is well recognized and well-respected pursuant to hosting COP7 in 2001 which resulted an important impetus in the implementation of Kyoto Protocol with the adoption of the Marrakech Accords as its rulebook and it is expected that. 15 years later, they will help advancing with the implementation of Paris Agreement.

At the podium, Minister was joined by Mr. Lhafi, COP22 Commissioner responsible for negotiations, Mr. Nekrate, Head of Logistics and Security, Mr. El Yazami, Head of Civil Society. H.E. Mezouvar committed to continue an inclusive and open process throughout COP22 presidency and highlighted that Gender, Youth, Migration, Agriculture, Africa, Culture as well as engaging local governments will be the key priorities. In terms of negotiations, they will focus on implementation issues such as technology, finance. In terms of visa, Minister ensured that UNFCCC accredited participants will be speciall treated, including possibility of obtaining via-upon-arrival for those people in countries without a Moroccan Embassy.

During the lunch time, LGMA delegation consisting of ICLEI and City of Bonn had a special bilateral with Mr. El Yazami, Mr. Touali and Mr. Soubhi who are responsible for both Green Zone and contacts to cities and regions. They noted that the vision of COP22 is a long term one such that by the end of their presidency in 2017, they wish to see transformative changes in climate action plans of Morroccan cities and regions and they wish to see COP22 as a leverage point for this. It is noted that engagement of LGMA with the COP22 will focus on before, during and after COP22. During COP22, a special request was raised to have a dedicated area in the Blue Zone, in addition to Green Zone activities and the announcement of organizing the Low Emissions Solutions Conference is highlighted. MedCOP event in Tangier in July, Climate CHance Conference in Nantes in September and HABITATIII Preparatory will be the main milestones.

3-  SBI44 opening plenary convened in the afternoon but due to overlapping agendas, LGMA intervention was not delivered verablly but communicated to the UNFCCC Secretariat, which is below and attached.

4- SBI Contact group on arrangement of intergovernmental meetings had a good discussion enhanced engagement of non-party stakeholders.

5- In the evening, Mayor of Bonn addressed the UNFCCC participants at the reception hosted by German Government and Citry of Bonn. In his remarks, he noted the importance of 4 December Climate Summit for Local leaders and the overall mobilization of  local and subntaional leaders for a successful COP21 Outcome. He welcome the signing of Paris Agreement and expressed a warm support to its implementation and advancement. During the reception, a select group of ClimateAstronauts, a special initiative of City of Bonn that engages 5000 students, performed their musics in which lyrics refer to citizen action and behavioural change on climate action  who were joined by joined by UNFCCC Communication and Outcreach Director Nick Nuttal on the podium

Day-1: 16 May, Monday

1- Attached you can find the intervention delivered by ICLEI on behalf of LGMA at the opening plenary of the Conference. (You can find the full text at the end of the page)

2- There is a general positive mood in the plenaries and in the corridors as many delegations are relieved with the successful outcome of COP21 and opening of the Paris Agreement with an u unprecedented number of signatories on the first day. Almost all interventions focus on raising ambition and accelerating action.

3- However, as negotiations started, some traditional hurdles started to come-up to the surface including even a lack of agreement on the agenda of some of the bodies.

4- The UNFCCC Secretariat introduced some unique features such as more comfortable seating in the exhibit booths and an innovation through a system called Poken which enables exhibitors to exchange files smoothly with all participants through an online/cloud system. ICLEI exhibit, including documents related to projects and Compact of Mayors is open for visitors in the corridor that bridges Conference Plenary and old conference center (at the end or at the beginning, depending on the direction that you are moving from!)



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