Traffic-jammed Bogor City makes way for bikes and pedestrian

urban ledsBogor City is known as one of the most traffic-congested cities in Indonesia.

Sustainable transport within the city is one of its top priorities, which is why the city launched a “Walkability Campaign” aimed at promoting sustainable forms of transport, thus reducing GHG emissions and air pollution.

The “Walkability Campaign” is a project of the Bogor Pedestrian Coalition, in cooperation with GIZ ‘Sustainable Urban Transport Improvement Project’ (SUTIP) and with support of ICLEI South East Asia. It consists of 25 km of pedestrian and bike lanes along the main roads. A video presentation of the project can be found here.

Bogor City is one of the two Urban-LEDS model cities in Indonesia.

Urban-LEDS stands for Urban Low Emissions Development Strategy. Each strategy defines a pathway for a city to move to a low emission, green and inclusive urban economy. The Urban-LEDS project, funded by the European Commission, and implemented by UN-Habitat and ICLEI, has the objective of enhancing the transition to low emission urban development in four emerging economy countries. Working Methodology for the cities in the Urban-LEDS project is the GreenClimateCities (GCC) Program provided by ICLEI, A comprehensive climate change mitigation program for local governments providing methodology, expert assistance and a network of cities committed to Low Emissions Development.

In order to better assess its current emissions and plan actions to reduce them, Bogor City has completed a GHG inventory, reporting to carbonn Climate Registry. The inventory uses the Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GPC), a methodology harmonizing emissions measurement and reporting processes for cities of all sizes, economies, and geographies.

The city is also finalizing a Strategic Environmental Assessment and producing a 5-Year development plan.

Aiming at becoming a sustainable low-carbon city by 2019, Bogor is set to improve environmental quality by controlling water, air and soil pollution and reducing GHG emissions. A set of environmental city regulations and policies are being implemented to ensure improvements, with particular attention to sustainable, user-friendly urban transport, improved waste management and disaster-risk responsive spatial planning.

Bogor City is an ICLEI member.


To learn more about the Urban-LEDS project, please visit the website.

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