Siemens: Accelerating Low-carbon Development in Emerging Cities through City-business Cooperation

As a key partner of the Cities & Regions Pavilion – TAP2015, Siemens will host a session on Tuesday 8 December from 11.00 to 12.30 in the Agora Hall.

Entitled “Accelerating Low-Carbon Development in Emerging Cities through City-Business Cooperation”, the session will convene global business leaders and mayors to discuss low-carbon investments and the potential for city-business collaboration in emerging middleweight cities.

Dr. Roland Busch, member of the Managing Board of Siemens, will present innovative solutions to fast-track low-carbon development. He will be joined by mayors from around the world, who will explain how their cities engage with businesses to develop pioneering sustainability solutions. A moderated discussion among the speakers will explore models for enhanced city-business cooperation.

Siemens-logoCity-business partnerships with companies like Siemens are vital to cities and regions, ensuring that investments increase efficiency and sustainability, effectively use available data in decision making and planning, and ultimately improve the livelihoods of citizens. Matching cities’ needs with private sector solutions can make a critical contribution towards accelerating low-carbon development across sectors such as energy, transport and waste.

Siemens is a world-leading technology company focusing on the electrification, automation and digitalization. One of the world’s largest producers of energy efficient, resource-saving technologies, Siemens is a leading supplier of systems for power generation and transmission as well as medical diagnosis. In infrastructure and industry solutions, the company plays a pioneering role.

Through its wind power and renewables division, Siemens is a major supplier of reliable, environmentally friendly and cost effective renewable energy solutions. In addition, Siemens has a wide portfolio of solutions for reducing air pollution. As cities continue to grow, air pollution will become a significant health concern. By developing technologies including high-efficiency burners for the combustion systems in coal-fired boiler plants and low nitrogen oxide burners, Siemens helps to make developed and developing cities healthier and more livable.

Siemens is also key player in sustainable development, providing innovative tools and solutions that allow local governments to implement solutions. For example, their City Performance Tool (CyPT) uses exclusive Siemens data on more than 70 transport, building and energy technologies to deliver detailed insights into CO2 and air quality improvements that cities and regions can achieve.

Siemens’ pioneering City Performance Tool is used by cities around the world. For example, by using the CyPT, the City of Copenhagen has established that buildings are responsible for around 80 percent of its greenhouse gas emissions – and almost a third of the commercial building stock is managed by just 40 owners. If these owners have an incentive to invest in six cutting-edge building technologies selected by the CyPT, the city could cut 10 percent of its emissions and create more than 18,000 jobs over the next 10 years.

The application of these cutting edge technologies and the potential transformations through city-business cooperation will be explored in-depth through “Accelerating Low-Carbon Development in Emerging Cities through City-Business Cooperation”, a key event of the Cities & Regions Pavilion.

This blog post was developed by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability in collaboration with Siemens.


Featured image courtesy of GuoJunjun via Wikimedia.

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