#ResilientCities Day 2 in the Twittersphere

Today’s congress attendees, armed with laptops, tablets and smartphones, look different than the Resilient Cities attendees of the last 10 years. They’re no longer sitting quietly taking notes during presentations. They are using new tools to connect the conversations around resilience with others in and outside the room.

Thursday’s main tracks focused on fundamental topics in resilience that are not as commonly explored: resilient food systems and financing resilient implementation.




The #ResilientCities community welcomed city leaders and officials, private companies and indigenous NGO workers to the venue once again, dealing with finance and food.



Some of the top mentions according to the Twittersphere deal with the diversity and balance of our panels, sessions and workshops – highlighting that cities are not a homogeneous group, gender, societal, economic, cultural and geographical differences must be taken into consideration when dealing with resilience and climate adaptation.



Here’s our top tweet of the day – what do you think about it?

This post is based on the hashtag #ResilientCities during the Resilient Cities Congress 2019.

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