Our top 5 tweets for day 3

Here are our top 5 tweets for the last day of the Resilient Cities Asia-Pacific Congress:

Recognize, engage and empower – says @ICLEI_SG at the closing session of #ResilientCities Asia-Pacific 2015.

Its not just about giving privilege to the poor, making them participate is what really counts – Red Constantino @icsc_ph #ResilientCities

The Bangkok Call for Action will feed into the UN Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai next month #ResilientCities

Transforming cities needs transformative Mayors – Mariko Sato @UNHABITAT #ResilientCities Asia-Pacific 2015

Great end to an awesome #ResilientCities conference. Big things to come pic.twitter.com/pAqdZ5KGOZ

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