The 12th International Forum on Sustainable Asia-Pacific (ISAP2020)

The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) will hold the 12th International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific [ISAP2020] online from Monday 9th November to Friday 13th November and on Monday 30th November 2020.

ICLEI officials will be speaking at the following sessions:

Thematic Track 2 “Connecting Local and Global: Bolstering Green and Zero Carbon Cities” 9th November, 2020 16:30  17:45 (GMT+09:00)

Yunus Arikan (Director of Global Advocacy, ICLEI World Secretariat)

In this session, we will discuss ideas for promoting international initiatives such as the Race to Zero Campaign in cooperation with stakeholders across the world and in different regions, and share the actual state of strategy development and support at the local government and city level in order to achieve green policies and CO2 zero emissions.

See more here

Thematic Track 12From Responding to Redesigning: Using an Integrated, Coherent Approach to Building Back Better from COVID-19 and Beyond13th November, 2020 14:30  16:00 (GMT+09:00)

Emani Kumar (Secretary General of ICLEI South Asia)

In this session, we will discuss the response to COVID-19, the recovery from COVID-19 and how to redesign socioeconomic systems to minimize future environmental and health crisis risks.

See more here




1.Thematic Track 2「地域と世界をつなぐ: グリーンでゼロカーボンの都市づくりを」2020年 11月 9日 16:30 – 17:45
ユヌス・アリカン(イクレイ世界事務局 グローバル・アドボカシー ディレクター)
本セッションでは、1)「Race to Zero Campaign」のような国際的なイニシアティブを世界や地域のステークホルダーの協働で進めて行くためのアイディアについて議論し、2)グリーンでCO2ゼロ排出の地域を実現するための、自治体や都市レベルでの戦略策定やその支援の実態を共有します。

2.Thematic Track 12「リデザインの勧め: COVID-19とその先に向けた統合的で一貫性のある計画づくりのための枠組」2020年 11月 13日 14:30 – 16:00


ISAP2020 持続可能なアジア太平洋に関する国際フォーラム

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