ICLEI Links: 5 December 2014

Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web! This week is a special edition for the COP20 in Lima.

COP20 News

Understanding the UNFCCC negotiations (INFOGRAPHIC)

An interview with Bill McKibben on fossil fuels, Lima and Paris

Why the Peru climate summit matters

Lima climate talks may be too late for some Pacific islands

Texts of Local Government and Municipal Authority speeches at the COP20

WRI, C40 and ICLEI to launch powerful new GHG protocol for cities


Two sustainable procurement positions available in Freiburg

Communications officer position available in Oakland, USA

Climate Change News

A weather report for France for 17 August 2050 (VIDEO)

India’s climate change opportunity

If we cared about the environment like we care about sports (VIDEO)

African soil crisis threatens food security

Energy News

German government approves new climate action plan

Smart City Tech is Not Yet Living Up To Its Promise to Solve Environmental Problems



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