ICLEI Links: 30 January 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web! Thanks to all on Twitter and elsewhere for sharing.

ICLEI Stories

All four Urban-LEDS countries represented in Earth Hour City Challenge Finalists

City Stories

L.A. City Council introduces plan to encourage urban farming

Bringing Sustainability to Small-Town America

Do Canada’s cities still work? (VIDEO)

Shanghai first major Chinese region to ditch GDP growth target

Hamburg to bury the Autobahn and make room for parks

Energy Stories

Why cheap oil will not wreck the prospects for renewable energy

Turning farm waste into biofuels now possible and makes economic sense, research shows

Why Dedicating Land to Bioenergy Won’t Curb Climate Change

Climate Change Stories

Let’s face it: we have to choose between our economy and our future

‘World can cut carbon emissions and live well’

The eroding Alaskan village of Shishmaref

Britons believe in climate change… but do they care?

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