Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web!
ICLEI Stories
New co-operation between ICLEI and the Ramsar Secretariat announced at COP 12
Over 800 non-Party stakeholders to participate in World Summit Climate & Territories
80 cities commit to Compact of Mayors
City Stories
Copenhagen to get even better for cyclists
Pop-up prefab units build Barcelona up, rather than sprawl out
A New Playground in the Bronx Soaks Up the City’s Problematic Storm Water
Energy Stories
Beyond the Tesla Powerwall: How energy storage is shaping up in Ontario
Germany to mothball largest coal power plants to meet climate targets
Comment: China’s energy transition is happening even faster than you think
Climate Change Stories
India’s next weapon against climate change? The heat-tolerant dwarf cow
Extreme Heat, Fueled By Climate Change, Leaves More Than 800 Dead In Pakistan
Thawing permafrost could have catastrophic consequences, scientists warn
Green Stories
90 percent of US could live on food grown entirely within 100 miles
United to Fly on Jet Biofuel Sourced From Trash
Food companies are unprepared for global water scarcity, says new report
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