ICLEI Links: 3 July 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web!

ICLEI Stories

New co-operation between ICLEI and the Ramsar Secretariat announced at COP 12

Over 800 non-Party stakeholders to participate in World Summit Climate & Territories

Anne Hidalgo and Michael Bloomberg to co-chair “Climate Summit for Local Leaders” in Paris in December

80 cities commit to Compact of Mayors

City Stories

Copenhagen to get even better for cyclists

Pop-up prefab units build Barcelona up, rather than sprawl out

A New Playground in the Bronx Soaks Up the City’s Problematic Storm Water

Energy Stories

Beyond the Tesla Powerwall: How energy storage is shaping up in Ontario

Germany to mothball largest coal power plants to meet climate targets

Comment: China’s energy transition is happening even faster than you think

Climate Change Stories

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