ICLEI Links: 24 July 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web!

ICLEI Stories

Mayors of ICLEI Member cities join historic Vatican signing

Johannesburg all set for EcoMobility Dialogues 2015

City Stories

Millennials Will Live In Cities Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Seen Before

As Beijing Becomes a Supercity, the Rapid Growth Brings Pains

In Paris, It’s Now Legal For Bikers To Run The Red Lights That They’ve Been Running Anyway

How Halifax, Tallinn, Hannover and Ottawa are learning from each other to make their cities more sustainable

Our high streets need a sense of community just as much as retail

Climate Change Stories

Europe’s Airpocalypse

At Vatican, Mayors Pledge Climate Change Fight

Capitalism, Green or Otherwise, Is ”Ecological Suicide”

June 2015 was warmest June on record for the globe.

Energy Stories

UK moves to slash renewables subsidies

Oil Warning: The Crash Could Be the Worst in More Than 45 Years

What ever happened with Europe’s fracking boom?

Hawaii: World’s First Hydrogen Economy?

A low-carbon economy is ‘attractive in its own right’, says Lord Stern

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