ICLEI Links: 23 January 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web! Thanks to all on Twitter and elsewhere for sharing.

ICLEI Stories

ICLEI and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation launch publication to inspire sustainable cities in Latin America

ICLEI unveils Plenary Program for World Congress 2015

City Stories

Four Ways Cities Are Using Innovative Technology to Build Resilience

What Your Personality Has to Do With Your Neighborhood

Can Twitter save the city?

Rust Belt revival: Lessons for southwest Ontario from America’s industrial heartland

Energy Stories

10 cities aiming for 100 percent clean energy

Is this the most earth-friendly home ever built?

5 reasons why low oil prices are good for the environment

Where Does Bioenergy Fit into a Low-Carbon Future?

Climate Change Stories

Rate of environmental degradation puts life on Earth at risk, say scientists

A great data visualization showing Earth’s warming climate

Latest climate change battle may center on food pyramid

Top 10 happy environmental stories of 2014

‘It is profitable to let the world go to hell’ – Jørgen Randers on the current climate situation

Air Travel’s Impact on Climate Change

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