ICLEI Links: 22 May 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web! Thanks to all on Twitter and elsewhere for sharing.

ICLEI Stories

Submissions invited for Green Cooling Ideas Competition

Metropolitan Solutions 2015 to feature Lounge Talks and Sustainable Urban China conference

Rapid Chinese urbanization focus of opening day at Metropolitan Solutions 2015

Urban cable cars and smart garbage cans at Day 2 of Lounge Talks

City Stories

To Stop Killing Earth, NYC’s Food Carts Get Solar Panels

The company responsible for the Santa Barbara oil spill can’t stop polluting California

Welcome to Baoding, China’s most polluted city

Energy Stories

Geoengineering is fast and cheap, but not the key to stopping climate change

Will mega dams turn Bhutan’s happiness sour?

Fossil fuel giants reject calls to keep oil, gas and coal in ground

‘Sunshine State’ or Not, Florida Badly Behind on Solar Power

MIT says solar power fields with trillions of watts of capacity are on the way

Climate Change Stories

As ice shelves shrink in Antarctica, glaciers are flowing faster into the sea

How climate change is making California’s epic drought worse

Scientists Sample the Ocean and Find Tiny Additions to the Tree of Life

Why Winter Doesn’t Disprove Global Warming (VIDEO)

Fjords are absorbing carbon two-times faster than our oceans!

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