ICLEI Links: 18 March 2016

Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web!

City Stories

Leadership by US Cities: Innovation in Climate Action (PDF)

How Can We Make Smart Cities?

China Adopts New Urbanization Guidelines

Return of the Bicycle Kingdom? How Pavement Cycling is Transforming Taipei

The Next Big Thing at the UN? The Future of Cities

Transforming Austin’s Mobility System By Working At The Community Level

Odin Energy’s wind tower to rise in Catbalogan City

Climate Change Stories

Now It’s Possible To Link A Heat Wave Or Drought To Climate Change, In Real Time

When ‘Global Warming’ Became ‘Climate Change’

Energy Stories

Delphi Study on the Future of Energy Systems in Germany, Europe and the World by 2040

How Saudi Arabia Turned Its Greatest Weapon on Itself

Doubling Global Share of Renewable Energy by 2030 Can Save Trillions 

Japan Eyes 40,000 Fuel-cell Cars, 160 Hydrogen Stations by 2020

Tomatoes Unfit for Sale in Supermarkets ‘Could be Turned into Major Source of Green Energy’

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