ICLEI Stories
Seoul announced as 2015 Earth Hour City Challenge Capital
Launches, marches and mobile workshops: World Congress Day 3 highlights
ICLEI World Congress 2015 closes with focus on extending partnerships
ICLEI at 2nd Preparatory Committee Meeting of HABITATIII
HABITATII 1996 – Refreshing institutional memories
City Stories
Seoul to adopt urban agriculture by introducing ‘vertical farms’
RMS commends Tokyo’s ’50 percent initiative’ for setting targets to reduce disaster casualties
How drinking water pipes can also deliver electric power
Energy Stories
Fossil Fuels Just Lost the Race Against Renewables
Why low carbon refurbishment is crucial for building sustainable cities
BP dropped green energy projects worth billions to focus on fossil fuels
Scrap fossil fuel subsidies now and bring in carbon tax, says World Bank chief
Big energy companies operating behind ‘smokescreen of sustainability’ – GetUp
LEED for fleets? New standard to rev up greener commercial vehicles
Second NER 300 low-carbon project kicks off
Ecotricity ‘black box’ aims to bring green energy storage to the home
Climate Change Stories
Countries submit climate action pledges ahead of Paris agreement
Agricultural biotechnology for climate change mitigation and adaptation
India: ‘Everyday disasters’ driving flight from Sundarbans
African islands meet to address climate change and disaster risk challenges
Oilsands emissions at forefront of Quebec climate march
Forests can soak up a third of carbon emissions
When it comes to carbon pricing, time is money
Pushing Earth beyond its natural limits – in pictures
Big business using trade groups to lobby against EU climate policy