ICLEI Links: 15 May 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web! Thanks to all on Twitter and elsewhere for sharing.

ICLEI Stories

ICLEI invites applications for new Transformative Actions Program

City Stories

Can Cities Drive Sustainable Development in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States?

Is Dubai the capital of the green economy?

Cuomo says New York nuclear plant fire caused oil spill in Hudson River

Energy Stories

Geothermal 201: Hitting the geoexchange heating and cooling sweet spot

Communal living projects moving from hippie to mainstream

Study suggests 25% of cars cause 90% of pollution

Tesla’s low-cost renewable battery could revolutionise Africa’s energy supply

Nuclear waste stored in ‘shocking’ way 120 miles from Ukrainian front line

Climate Change Stories

We can’t have resilience without justice

3 Steps to Decarbonizing Development for a Zero-Carbon Future

Pakistan pushes to put stalled climate policy into action

Global CO2 Concentrations Reach Record High

Cheeseburgers, Climate Change and the California Drought

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