Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web!
City Stories
How Much Money U.S. Transit Systems Lose Per Trip, in 1 Chart – Data and analysis on the subsidies provided for public transit systems in US cities. All public transit systems lose money, but the benefits of connecting communities outweigh the costs.
Bold Investment in Municipalities a Big Win for Canadians – The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) welcomes the significant investment directed at municipalities in Canada’s 2016 Federal Budget. Investment is particularly strong for sustainability projects.
3 Cities Taking Urban Forestry to the Next Level – We’d all like more trees in our cities. Three cities are showing what can be done with careful long-term planning: Tokyo, Belfast, and Washington, DC.
Climate Change Stories
Mass Migration and Climate Change: The New Normal? – Climate change has the potential to exacerbate interrelated factors, creating the “perfect storm” of conditions to trigger large mass migrations.
Climate Investment Funds Releases Annual Report – The CIF uses its $8.3 billion to leverage an additional $58 billion in co-financing from other sources to catalyze transformational change in 72 developing countries.
Can Imams Drive Action on Climate Change in Pakistan? – In heavily religious areas, religious leaders are a key channel of communication. As climate change impacts become more visible, they can help to mobilize their communities.
The Danger of a Runaway Antarctica – Forecasts are becoming increasingly pessimistic, particularly with regards to the melting of Antarctic ice and the subsequent large rise in sea levels.
Energy Stories
After 115 Years, Scotland Is Coal-Free – Go Scotland! Lots of great renewable initiatives have helped Scotland close its final coal power plant.
Dispelling the Nuclear Baseload Myth: Nothing Renewables Can’t do Better – An article that generated plenty of debate. The author attacks the oft-repeated argument that nuclear power is required because renewable sources cannot generate a baseload (a permanently available reserve of electricity).
How Much Did the World Invest in Clean Energy Last Year? – Lots, but nowhere near enough.
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