ICLEI Communication Vol.10 & Vol.11 are now available

ICLEI Japan has been focusing on local governments, who are the main actors in realizing a sustainable society, and introduces those that are leading the way in combating on climate change in the bimonthly Global Warming issue of Nippo Business (Only Japanese Available).

During the UNFCCC COP25 in December 2019, ICLEI represented local governments and local administrations at the “TOWARDS MULTILEVEL ACTION COP26”. Here’s the full text on that important matter.

Article-Volume 10: [Summery of ICLEI News] A demonstration of the local government network during COP 25. [Part 1]

Last year, ICLEI was invited to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 25th Conference of the Parties on the Convention of Climate Change (COP 25) on behalf of the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities Constituency (LGMA) to present to the publication of “TOWARDS MULTILEVEL ACTION – COP 26”.

In this blog post, we will introduce the first two of the six main aims of the publication. The rest will be discussed in the May issue.

1. Raise Ambitions

To increase climate emergency declarations, climate neutrality targets and to transition to 100% renewables by divesting from fossil fuels at the same time as introducing additional mechanisms for synergy and implementation. This includes aligning commitments with the global carbon budget and long-term strategies such as the 2050 Pathways, addressing implementation problems caused by other corresponding criteria, and improving local legislation and policy frameworks to increase climate neutrality targets and transition to zero emissions.

2. NDC Vertical Integration and Transparency

To invite Parties to the Paris Agreement to establish multi-level collaborations and encourage engagement mechanisms at the national level throughout 2020. To ensure transparency through reporting and verification so that new and revised NDCs with higher ambitions, and supported with appropriate monitoring, can be presented at COP26 in Glasgow.

Translated in English and summarized by Isabelle Ward

Article-Volume 11: [Summery of ICLEI News] A demonstration of the local government network during COP 25. [Part 2]

3. Localise Climate Finance

To foster domestic action-oriented strategies and instruments that accelerate the localization of Climate Finance. To ensure full operationalization, enhance effectiveness and increase budget shares of global and national climate funds that support investments from local and regional governments. To unlock market mechanisms, such as further commitment periods of the Kyoto Protocol and Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, and to advance in the Loss and Damage implementation.

4.Balanced Approach in Mitigation and Adaptation

To address, alongside ambitious mitigation efforts, the risks of climate change through adaptation planning and in coordination and collaboration with subnational and local governments.

5. Link Climate to Circular Economy and Nature

To enhance the effectiveness of the 2nd NDCs by creating appropriate synergies with co- benefits, including equitable access to basic services, a circular economy, and the New Deal for Nature to be adopted at the Biodiversity COP15 in Kunming October 2020. This deal was inspired by the outcomes of the 2020 UN Nature Summit in NYC in September 2020 and the land degradation neutrality targets.

6. Amplify Global Climate Action

To advance the Global Climate Action, as well as NAZCA, in the post2020 phase with appropriate support and facilitation mechanisms. To expand the existing collaboration to the stakeholders and ministries, such as those responsible for Urbanization, Infrastructure, Public Works, Culture, Education, Family, Youth, Arts, and Music through effective Ministerial engagement towards and at PreCOP26 and COP26.

ICLEI is an independent body and executive branch of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the organization that coordinated (with LGMA) the publication of “TOWARDS MULTILEVEL ACTION COP26” at the COP25 last year. In the March issue, we introduced aims 1 (improvement of ambition) and 2 (improvement of vertical integration and transparency of NDC). During this period, the novel coronavirus has spread worldwide and is affecting countries and cities as a particularly “urban disaster”. ICLEI has continued to contribute to the vitality of the network, such as through holding web conference to discuss the preventative measures in each city.

[Postponement of global climate change summits]

It was announced that the 26th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Climate Change (COP26) will be postponed until next year and that the Convention on Biological Diversity will be held in Kunming in October. The Conference of the Parties (COP15) has also been postponed. 2020 was hailed as the year of building ties to realise a sustainable world, but in light of the global situation, various international efforts and meetings have been postponed and the activities of local government have been also affected.

During this pandemic, warning bells have been sounded to the global risk of infectious diseases. It is important to remember that for many years the alarm bells have been ringing concerning the risks posed by climate change and biological loss. At present, coronavirus poses an immediate risk, but the succeeding economic and social reconstruction process must be based on environmental perspectives such as climate variability and biological protection.

[The real moment to put the list into practice]

The “TOWARDS MULTILEVEL ACTION COP26” publication introduced here is supposed to be held in November of this year. Putting this list into practice has become even more important. ICLEI has established a working group in which people from all over the world participate with the aim of strengthening the relationships and cooperation between cities and regularly promotes discussions on the web.

Translated in English and summarized by Isabelle Ward

イクレイ日本では、持続可能な社会の実現の主役である自治体に焦点を当て、気候変動対策に先進的に取り組む自治体を日報ビジネスの「隔月刊 地球温暖化」で紹介しています。

2019年12月に開催された気候変動枠組条約第25回締約国会議(UNFCCC COP25)で、イクレイは自治体および地方行政機関を代表して「TOWARDS MULTILEVEL ACTION COP26」(2020年にグラスゴーで開催されるCOP26に向けた優先行動リスト)を発表しました。その重要事項を紹介します。

ICLEI Communication VoL.10
ICLEI Communication Vol.11

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