Call for application open for the ESD Okayama Award 2020

ICLEI Japan is pleased to announce that the ‘ESD Okayama Award 2020’ is open for entry.

It rewards outstanding practices in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) from local communities around the world by showcasing their ESD initiatives and supporting their organizations carrying out ESD activities.

Eligibility: Organizations based in any country, including Japan, implementing ESD activities in local communities

Prize: US $3,000

Number of Award Winning Projects:  up to two projects

Award Ceremony: Award winners will be invited to the Award Ceremony in Okayama, Japan, and will have the opportunity to present their project

Deadline of the application: 31 July 2020, 5pm (Japanese Standard Time)


For further information on the application guideline, application form, and about former award-winning projects of the ESD Okayama Award, please see the following official websites: (ESD nabi) (Okayama City Website)


We are looking forward to your application!


ESD Okayama Award Secretariat (at SDGs/ESD Promotion Division of Okayama City, Japan)

Tel:+81-(0)86-803-1351  Fax:+81-(0)86-803-1777

Contact Person: Mr. Iwata, Ms. Ueno, Mr. Akaki



ESD Okayama Award Steering Board* and Okayama City

*The ESD Okayama Award Steering Board is composed of the following organizations:
• United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS)
• UNESCO Bangkok, Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education
• Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU)
• Japan Council on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD-J)
• The Goi Peace Foundation
• Okayama ESD Promotion Commission

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