4 days to Lima: Great news from Bogor

At the COP20, ICLEI will continue to represent the interests of local governments and highlight their achievements. Here we focus on progress in the city of Bogor.

Urban-LEDS Model City Bogor, in Indonesia, just announced that its city council has committed to allocating about 12 million USD (IDR 147.067 Milyar) to improve sustainable low emission transport in the city.141127_bogor1

This budget allocation will support the revitalization of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system “The Transpakuan”, which serves 14 kilometers of the city area. The buses will switch to using gas, as a low-emission fuel option. Another objective is the conversion of a huge number of microbuses to either gas (planned for 1000 microbuses) or electricity (50 microbuses). In order to implement this, the city will provide converter kits or devices to support the conversion of premium fuel to gas, as well as to electricity.

These actions will not only help the city reduce its emissions considerably, but will also lead to better air quality. Further, they will support the national government’s goal of achieving its emission reduction target of 26% below Business-As-Usual levels by 2020 using domestic resources (and up to 41% with international support).


To learn more about the Urban-LEDS project, please visit the website.


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